Parish Council Meeting (On-line)
The challenges we are all facing have meant that the Parish Council is having to embrace new ways of operating to ensure it can continue to support the parish. The rules around social distancing and public gatherings prevent us from holding our normal monthly meeting. To overcome this a trial online meeting will take place next week.
Public viewing – the meeting will be streamed live on the Parish Council’s Facebook page: @ycmparishcouncil
A copy of the agenda for the meeting is available on the Parish Council’s website:
Anyone who wants to ask a question during the public question time session should contact the parish clerk by 12 noon on Tuesday 12 May 2020.
- Apologies for Absence
- Declaration of Interest
- Parish Council – Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
- Public Question Time (30 minutes)
- Reports from Borough and County Councillors
- Update on HS2 from the Stone Rail Head Crisis Group
- Approval of the published draft minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 10th March 2020
(as previously circulated) - To consider any matters arising from the minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda
- Covid-19 Response – update on the work in the parish
- Audit Timetable – to note the timetable for the annual audit and governance review
- Asset register – to consider and approve the entries in the asset register
- Risk Register – to consider and approve the council strategic and operational risk registers
- Grass cutting contract– to review progress.
- Report of the Clerk to the Parish Council:
- Budget – update and schedule of payments
- Correspondence and circulars
- Reports from Parish Councillors on meetings/courses attended
- Date and time of next meeting
Tuesday 16th June 2020 at 7.30pm
John Fraser
Clerk to the Parish Council
Date 8th May 2020